(French) Oswald Kouame (per, vo) Tabu N’gongo (sax) Details↓ http://www.institutfrancais.jp/yokohama/fr/events-manager/francophonie2017/ Pour cette édition 2017, l’antenne de Yokohama vous invite à une grande kermesse, placée sous le signe de la convivialité et de la découverte. Cet événement mettra en lumière les cultures des pays francophones d’un point de vue tout aussi linguistique, touristique et gastronomique que […]

Come with us as we join hands with the ACCJ for a ship’s cruise on Tokyo Bay. The fun and frolics will include the exciting live music of the Oswald Kouame band featuring traditional African music, fusion jazz, reggae and more. Over the years this unique style of music has been performed together with other professional artists including Stevie Wonder and Richard Bona in both Africa and Europe. We also will offer a selected dinner menu including traditional African food—ample door prizes included, as well.